Experience keeps Coach Stoll motivated
Coach Focus – Coach Stoll (Boys’ Basketball)
Coach Christian Stoll teaches English at Armijo, but he has been coaching basketball on the campus almost as long as he’s been teaching there.
Starting as the coach of the girls’ team from 2008-2013, Coach Stoll has moved on to being responsible for the boys’ team.
Before moving to California, Coach Stoll had worked with freshmen boys at Beaverton High School in Oregon. His favorite basketball team, however, is The Oregon Ducks from the University of Oregon. He said that he would like to steal some fun ideas from their Coach Dana Altman.
Coach Stoll grew up in Portland, Oregon. “My high school coach Nick Robertson inspired me to become a coach and taught me everything I know. Coach Towner and Burzynski inspire me on a daily basis,” he said.
In his free time, Coach Stoll enjoys playing golf, going for runs, cooking and, watching sports.
Due to COVID-19, his team hasn’t been cleared to practice or play at all this season and it has been devastating. If he had the power to change one thing about Armijo; he said he would be back on campus. He loves Armijo and wouldn’t change it for the world.
For students who are thinking that a future in coaching sounds great, Coach Stoll said, “Just make sure you have a passion for the game and for working with young people. Understand that coaching is very time consuming and you have to put a lot of yourself into it.”

I was born on May 17, 2005, and grew up in Fairfield, California. I have two older brothers and one older sister, so I am the baby of the family. My...