February activities in planning stages
Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay
Just because we’re in distant learning, it doesn’t mean we can’t shine!
Leadership is still working on getting things together to help make the 2020-2021 school year a positive experience, but they have faced many challenges and unknowns. However, Mr. Casey Towner, adviser, shared that student committees were meeting together on Wednesday, January 27, with a list of things in the works for February.
Anticipated activities for the month include
1) Karaoke Night
2) A replay of the student vs. staff gameshow
3) Music Fest video collection (students send in videos of them singing, dancing, or playing instruments)
“Pending approval, we are discussing a Thursday Night Armijo Royal Channel where there would be a Google Meet room open for 2-3 hours with various things going on. Perhaps from 5 – 6 pm it would be current events; from 6 – 630 pm, a yoga session; from 6:30 – 7 pm social media events; and from 7 – 7:30 pm a student finances lesson,” said Mr. Towner. “I am just spitballing here. LOL!” The choice of activities would be student driven and decided by the representatives in Leadership.
Dates on things should be decided by next Friday (January 29) and will be updated in The Armijo Signal when they are available.