Give the girls a day together

Galentine’s Day – February 13

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

Safe gatherings with your gal pals can remind them you care, but mask up!

Most people, when thinking about February, think of Valentine’s Day on the 14th, but what about the day before?

February 13 is Galentine’s Day. As the name suggests, this is a day to celebrate your gal pals, or female friendships. The purpose of this day is to shower the fellow ladies in your life with love!

The holiday is actually created by a fictional character, Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation. It originated from the second season of the series in 2010 from an episode called Galentine’s Day (

Even though the holiday is fairly new, it is already popular among women. If you are hosting a party (being safe and following the COVID precautions), or attending a party or get together, there are multiple things you can do to make this day fun! You can first start by maybe making brunch. Some of the popular foods to eat on this holiday include maple Belgian waffle cake, sweet potato cornmeal waffles, chocolate dipped donuts, lemon ginger scones and many more! You can find some newly classic recipes at 15 Galentine’s Day Recipes Leslie Knope Would Totally Approve of (

If you are not one to do brunch, there are other ways you can share in Galentine’s Day. Why not celebrate with a movie night, either live or over Zoom? Or you can bring snacks for the gals and talk about the benefits of life without men, whether you have one to celebrate with the next night or not.

While restaurants and nail salons are closed, sharing the adventure with your female friends at home – either live in safe gatherings or via Zoom – can be a lot of fun and a great bonding experience.

This holiday is a celebration of friendship and while it is aimed at women, it can also be celebrated by men while their women are away. You can also create gatherings with people who stick by your side, no matter the gender. Galentine’s Day is a day dedicated to showing some of the most important people in your life that you care, especially if they might not get a chance to see you the following day.