Umbrellas serve a variety of purposes

National Umbrella Day – February 10

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

What could you use an umbrella for today?

Umbrellas. Used for rainy showers and blazing hot days. Umbrellas, used for protection against the weather, derived their name from a Latin word meaning ”shadow or shade.”

Because of their versatility, they are also used in photography as glare shields to make artificial lighting. Umbrellas are a useful invention and February 10 marks National Umbrella Day! It’s been celebrated since 2004 and we can only hope that the weather encourages our celebration.

The basic folding umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago. The first umbrellas are found in ancient art and artifacts of Greece, Assyria and China. The Chinese made the umbrella protect them against the weather by adding a layer of wax followed by lacquer.

The first umbrella shop opened in 1830 at 53 New Oxford Street in London, England. That shop, now run by James Smith & Sons, is still open nearly 200 years later (  Umbrellas have even been in famous movies like Singing in the Rain in 1952 and the lovable favorite Mary Poppins in 1964.

In 1928, Hans Haupt’s pocket umbrellas appeared. Umbrellas were later styled into hats. Today, small paper umbrellas are used in cocktails and party drinks. They are also used as a fashion accessory in photo shoots and modern art. From 1984-1991, an international art installation of umbrellas – divided between California (yellow) and Japan (blue) – was shared with the world (

And don’t forget about the old riddle: What can go up a chimney down, but can’t go down a chimney up? You know the answer to that.

So, what are some of the things to observe on National Umbrella Day on February 10? The end of winter is the season for rainy showers, so strike a pose with your favorite person under an umbrella. Go splashing in puddles along with your umbrella. Watch a movie with a scene famous for its umbrella scenes.

Name them and post it on #NationalUmbrellaDay on any social media.