Help your friends with family issues

Children of Alcoholics Week – February 8 to 14

Image by KLEITON Santos from Pixabay

It may not be your problem, but there are solutions for you.

Most people are aware that there are opportunities for people suffering from alcoholism to get counseling and treatment. Those who are affected or influenced by the sufferers of the disease can also get help through meetings, support and counseling.

February 8 – 14 is a special time to acknowledge the children who are impacted by this disease.

Children of Alcoholics Week is designed to support the young victims through awareness of how children are affected by their parents’ drinking problems. As said in; Children of Alcoholic Parents – Does Alcoholism Affect Children?, “when a child has a parent with alcohol use disorder, they may develop unhealthy coping skills and be at greater risk for an array of issues during childhood and as adults.”

Do you have friends who have alcoholic parents or relatives? You can reach out and check up on your friends and make sure they are okay and comfortable at home. Children of alcoholics are at risk of a bunch of problems that will be brought up later in life, but if you see them struggling, you might want to reach out to them and encourage them to seek help through the school psychologist or support them by attending an Alateen meeting with them. Local meetings can be found at .

Children of Alcoholics Week started in 1991 in England. If you want to help raise awareness about this situation, share information through social media and use #COAWeek. Feel free to share your thoughts on this in the comments.