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National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day – January 31

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Which of the arts will inspire your heart?

Art is an important part of our everyday lives. Whether its music, paintings, books, or poems, we see it and experience it every day.

January 31 is National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day and it is exactly what the name describes. Take this day to specifically focus more than you usually would and enjoy more art.

Any other year, people would tell you to go to a theatre, a ballet recital, or perhaps an art gallery. However, since we are in a pandemic, we will have to improvise to things we can do at home. There are still many other things you can do instead. For example, consider starting a painting or drawing, listen to a reading online, watch an art related documentary on Netflix, or watch a classic film that you’ve checked out from the library.

How can you inspire your heart? Share that with us in the comments.