What couple can you help celebrate?

National Spouses Day – January 26

Image by Susanne Pälmer from Pixabay

Consider your parents or grandparents and help them celebrate

Look at the people in your life who are married. Did you know that they have a special day?

January 26 is National Spouses Day, a time to celebrate the bond between two people who have committed themselves to each other.

Dedicated to recognizing spouses everywhere, National Spouses Day reminds us to appreciate married people.

Not to be confused with National Military Spouse Appreciation Day on May 8, this month’s celebration gives civilian and military couples a chance to regroup and regather after the rush of the winter holidays and before the traditional Valentine’s Day celebration.

The day is celebrated as a national holiday officially in the USA and UK, but many other countries celebrate it, too. If you want to impress your parents, grandparents or other married couple, treat them to a special date night with a gift certificate or Groupon for dinner or give them the night together at home while you spend your time in your room, entertaining your siblings and keeping them out of the couple’s way.