Believers and doubters are welcome

Club focus – Youth Christian Club

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This club offers positive answers, solid friends and more.

Youth Christian Club (YCC) is a club to bring together Armijo High School students and staff members who are interested in learning and growing in the Christian faith.

For some participants, this club has been helpful in bringing peace and even creating friendships with people who have similar interests.

“The purpose of the club is to fellowship, encourage each other, petition prayer, and grow in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus,” said club adviser Ms. Lori Gonzalez. “We are open to answer questions, too.”

The club has been a part of the Armijo campus in one form or another for over 25 years. Most recently, Coach Lawrence Trigg was the adviser, but he retired last year and moved out of state. Ms. Gonzalez picked up the position.

“We got started this year in November, when the current club president, Aniya Meyer, contacted me,” Ms. Gonzalez said. Other officers have not been chosen yet.

Despite the late start, the group has been doing things already, like on-campus cleanups and assisting in the garden. “Shout out to Ms. Herrera for the beautiful and peaceful garden,” Ms. Gonzalez said, sharing kudos with the leader of Lettuce Grow.

When students return to campus, the plan is to have YCC meet in C5 every other Friday, but they are not waiting for government regulations to allow them to meet. Instead, like many clubs, YCC meets online. Emails are usually sent out with the Google meet link and code and everyone is welcome. “We will meet via Google Meets, and have a Google classroom. Feel free to join the class and access the link:,” said Ms. Gonzalez.