Freshman takes on leadership position
Noteworthy student – Aniya Meyer

Wise beyond her years, Aniya leads in a time that needs leaders.
While Aniya Meyer only started her high school experience in August, she is already serving her fellow students. Meyer serves as president of the Youth Christian Club, YCC, and serves as a young role model for the members.
YCC hosts meetings every Friday after school. Anyone is welcome to join and participate in their many activities, such as hosting youth pastor speakers and holding prayer sessions. Students interested in joining can email Lori Gonzalez at [email protected] or simply go to the Google Link for the meeting:
Meyer was familiar with the Armijo campus before she was a student because both her brother and sister have been students here and they have inspired her. She knew that it was worth jumping into a leadership position and sees the position of YCC president as an “unexpected blessing from God.”
When Meyer isn’t busy working hard to earn her good grades, she still finds ways to stay involved with life outside of school. She is a frequent church-attender and often attends the youth events her local church sponsors. She also manages to try to stay physically fit with exercise.
After attending high school, Meyer plans to join the Air Force and believes that her leadership experiences with YCC will help her be successful.
Meyer offered some tips on those struggling with distance learning: “My advice is, if you’re struggling with distance learning, talk to your parents about it. Then, if you’re spiritual, pray about it. If you’re physical, do exercise to help alleviate stress,” she said. “You could also talk to your counselor, and even your teachers, as they are very helpful.”
On top of being a role model as a leader for the YCC, Meyer’s general maturity makes her a good role model for the whole school. While managing distance learning and running the YCC does not sound like an easy task, she succeeds through determination and prayer.

Elijah Shackleford, a freshman at Armijo, hopes to take on the challenge high school provides and take on a new role of staff writer.
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