They’re soaring high, but need protection

Save the Eagles Day – January 10

Image by Mickey Estes from Pixabay

Help them avoid being endangered today!

Save the Eagles Day is a way to honor and save these resplendent birds. It takes place annually on January 10.

Even though the eagles lost their endangered status in 2007, according to, this day didn’t become part of the public awareness until 2015. It originated in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, to prevent and raise awareness of the extinction of a certain Bald Eagle species. The potential extinction has several causes: habitat destruction and degradation, illegal shooting, the contamination of the food source, and the use of the pesticide DDT.

Although many of these things have already been addressed by the Endangered Species Act, conservation actions taken by the American public helped Bald Eagles make a remarkable recovery.

As of 2020, eagles are no longer endangered and even have an active population increase, according to (, with around 24,000 in the wild, according to National Geographic.

While the numbers are now in the favor of the eagles, Save the Eagles Day can still be celebrated by bringing awareness to the continuing challenges. You can read or watch documentaries about these majestic raptors that soar in the sky. You can even visit a bird sanctuary to educate and spread awareness.

Save the Eagles Day is a great way to show the fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird that aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.