Imagine if nobody could understand your experiences

Book review – Out of My Mind

Put yourself in her shoes and learn the challenges of cerebral palsey.

Out Of My Mind is a book about an eleven-year old girl named Melody. She has cerebral palsy, which causes her to be unable to walk, speak or even read. As a result, she is treated very differently, not only by strangers but by her classmates as well.

One day, Melody’s tutor, Catherine, finds a device that would allow Melody to communicate in words. Her life is changed drastically with this new device. Throughout the book, we learn what Melody is thinking and how she communicates those thoughts through her new device.

Out of My Mind gives the reader a new perspective and appreciation for what people like Melody go through and how society doesn’t care about their feelings, thoughts, and ability to do things. This book gives an insight as to what it is like to have Cerebral Palsy and it basically lets us know to treat everyone with kindness no matter the difference.

There was not a single thing I didn’t like about the book, it’s a very touching book and will definitely change your perspective.  All of the characters in the book were very likeable, Melody’s parents and tutors are very supportive of her and want the best for her and would stop at nothing. The least likeable characters are the people who were in her team who were supposed to attend the competition in Washington, D.C.

This book is a raw and heart-warming book. It’s narrated by Melody whose bright ideas are confined by her illness. You’ll have tears in your eyes by the time you are done with the book.

Out Of My Mind is written by Sharon M. Draper, an American author from Cleveland, Ohio. She studied at Pepperdine University and Miami University and is a five-time winner of the Coretta Scott King Award for her books about the African-American experience.

If I could ask Ms. Draper anything, I would ask, “What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing Out Of My Mind? What do you hope your readers take away from this book?”

I would 100% read another book from this author. She has such a good way of putting feelings into words and it’s amazing she can do this and have an impact on her audience while also bringing awareness to a disorder many suffer from. You can find all of her titles at

I would recommend this book to young adults who want to make a difference in the world and help people who are different. The way to do that is by learning about people like Melody.