Remember, boredom is a choice

National Hobby Month – January

Photo by Anna Sushok on Unsplash

Are you creative? Artistic? Musical? Athletic? What hobby can you practice this month?

January is National Hobby Month, but with the Stay-at-Home orders that we’ve been experiencing lately, picking up a hobby or discovering a new passion is timelier than ever.

This month is, hands down, the perfect time to establish a new hobby  or keep practicing the ones you love.  During these tough, boring times, January might actually create something good to add to your memories of this time. The great thing about National Hobby Month is that you can focus more on doing something fun!

If a hobby you chose bores you, don’t be discouraged because there are so many other hobbies to pick up. Consider cooking, gardening, sports, painting, singing, drawing, volunteer work, and so much more. Maybe you want to check out this website with nearly 70 ideas:

Anything you can think of can become your hobby, and adding this as one of your New Year’s resolutions, you can find something you enjoy and pursue it with love.

Promoting your new activity can also be a hobby! When you pick up a new hobby and share it on social media, it gives everyone something to look at as well as something for you to enjoy. Happy National Hobby Month! What activity are you going to create or experience this month?