Hold someone close and smile
National Cuddle Up Day – January 6
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash
Who will you cuddle with on this special day?
It is fitting that in one of the coldest months of the year, January 6 has been designated the date of a warm holiday, National Cuddle Up Day. This day is dedicated to the surprising health benefits found in the action of cuddling with someone or something.
Defined by www.merriam-webster.com as “to hold close for warmth or comfort”, the word “cuddle” was first used during the 1500s. Cuddling has been known to give people a warm and fuzzy feeling. That feeling is actually caused by a hormone called oxytocin. By cuddling, this happy hormone is released throughout the entire body and helps reduce any type of pain. Research has shown that oxytocin can regenerate muscle tissue in mice which has been suggested by researchers to also be true for humans. In general, “oxytocin also helps reduce heart disease, lowers blood pressure, stress, and anxiety.” (nationaldaycalendar.com)
Whether it’s in a relationship or friendship, cuddling can also strengthen bonds with the people you care about. Sometimes we don’t have someone to cuddle with, but if you’re one of those people, there are always other options to choose. You can cuddle with pets, plush animals, or any comfy blanket. “Even if you’re not verbally communicating, this type of contact helps increase feelings of trust, comfort, safety, and reassurance…” (nationaltoday.com)
No matter how you decide to celebrate National Cuddle Up Day, take some time to focus on both mental and psychical health with a heart-warming cuddle. It is one healthy way to help you live a long happy life.