Choose your day to be very productive

No Interruptions Day – December 27 OR December 31

Photo by Aleksi Tappura on Unsplash

Apply your time one day to start the year right.

Start off the year fresh just by cleaning off your desk.

No Interruption Day can be celebrated on “the last work day of the year,” according to, which identifies it as Thursday, December 31. However, states that the holiday is held on Sunday, December 27.

Whichever day you celebrate it, it is a chance to silence your phone, ignore emails, and enjoy your peace while you get things done. Office employees, at home or in the office, and students working from home can take advantage of this day to peacefully clean out their desks and prepare for the new year.

No Interruption Day was designated as a way to relieve stress on employees. The way this works is that people eliminate all their projected tasks before entering the new year, in this case 2021. When the new year starts, people can avoid being stressed about having to do those tasks.

To approach this task, people may need to find ways to avoid many interruptions, such as phone calls or emails. According to, here are examples to enter the new year alongside with no interruptions:

  • Wake up two hours before everybody else and immediately do the most important task of the day.
  • When you are in a flow, put a “do not disturb” sign on the door, turn off your phone and disconnect from the internet. You can call back and reply to everyone when you are finished.
  • When you are in a flow, put headphones on, even if you aren’t listening to music. There’s a lesser probability anybody will disturb you.
  • Have a few spots away from your desk where you can work in peace (a meeting room, home office, coffee shop, etc.).
  • Clearly let people know which hours of the day you’re not available. For example, if you have a red flag on your desk, it means you should absolutely not be disturbed.