A sweet treat for Christmas Eve
National Egg Nog Day – December 24
Egg nog can help make Christmas Eve a memorable event.
Although most people consider hot cocoa the traditional holiday drink, eggnog is the second most popular traditional beverage for the Christmas season.
In addition to being Christmas Eve, December 24 is National Eggnog Day, dedicated to celebrating with a pre-Christmas beverage with family and friends, as well as enjoying the savory foods and sweets.
Eggnog, or egg-nog, is also known as milk punch or egg milk punch. It is a rich, chilled, sweetened, dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk, cream, sugar, whipped egg whites, and egg yolks, although you can get lighter versions or lactose-free versions of the drink. Eggnog has a sweet flavor that can be spiced up with a sprinkle of cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves. People sometimes compare eggnog’s taste to that of a creamy custard.
The vast majority of commercial eggnogs sold throughout Canada and the United States are pasteurized. According to http://tiny.cc/EggNogTrivia, more than about 135 million pounds of eggnog has been sold every year. Although eggnog is generally only sold for only for two months, consumers love that festive flavor and continue to look forward to toasting the tradition.
Store-bought egg nog is popular, but it can also be homemade. With ingredients that are generally available at home, such as milk, eggs, sugar, and flavorings, and served with cinnamon or nutmeg it can be easily created. Maybe you’d like to try this 5-minute recipe for Christmas Eve festivities: http://tiny.cc/EggNogRecipe,
Celebrating National Egg Nog Day with family and friends is a great way to start a family tradition and you’re sure to have a sweet time. You won’t regret it.

Chloe Villagracia attends Armijo High School, where she currently works as a staff writer for the news website known as “The Armijo Signal”. Although...