Winter holidays around the world

Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay

Many cultures celebrate different holidays during the winter. Indulge yourself in getting to know more about them!

Around the world, different cultures celebrate winter holidays in their own unique way. Christmas isn’t the only winter holiday. Events like Three Kings Day, St. Lucia Day, and Kwanzaa are also big holidays that hold certain traditions and customs. Even New Year’s Day is celebrated differently in different countries.
Three Kings Day is a Christian holiday surrounding the three wise men who give Baby Jesus presents. Many Spanish and Latin American countries celebrate this holiday after the twelve days of Christmas, which ends on Epiphany, or January 6. Three Kings Day is an especially big holiday for children who receive gifts this day, like Baby Jesus did.
The children of Spain, for instance, open their Christmas on this Three Kings Day. In Puerto Rico, children leave a box under their beds for the kings to leave gifts. A special cake or bread is made containing either pretend coins or a little Baby Jesus.
On December 18, St. Lucia Day celebrates a third-century saint. This event is mostly celebrated in Sweden, Norway, and areas of Finland. Girls dress up as “Lucia Brides,” with long white dresses, red slashes, and wreaths of burning candles on their heads. They then wake up their families by singing and bringing traditional treats called “Lucia cats.” These treats are twisted saffron buns.
Kwanzaa is a African American winter holiday based on African harvest festivals and celebrating family and unity. The holiday lasts seven days, from December 26 through January 1. Special clothes and decorations are used including a candle holder called the kinara. More information can be found in The history of Kwanzaa article.
This winter season, take a moment to learn about the holidays cultures celebrate around the world and their unique traditions.