You can write Christmas with No L

A’phabet Day or No L Day – December 25

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

No holly? No lights? What’s Christmas with No L?

December 25 is No “L” Day, a punny homage to “Noel,” the French term for Christmas. Get it? No-eL! For those who enjoy a good pun or two or three or four, A’phabet Day is the nationwide day to observe.

To honor this day, you can try a few different activities. Avoiding any objects beginning with “L” is an impressive feat. With friends, you can recite poems without pronouncing any “L”s. Team-up with your companions to hunt for items that start with it. Or, you can try to think, speak, and write throughout the day without using any “L”s. Just as I’ve done in this piece of writing, disregarding the references to the “L”s that you can’t use. It’s a time-consuming objective, but a very entertaining way to strengthen your vocab.

Anyway, take the opportunity to have some fun with the A’phabet. On December 25th, why not engage in the game? And try not to take the “L”!