How do Royals and their families spend their winters?

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The Dass family are very festive for the holidays. Jasmine Dass loves hot coca. How do you celebrate?

Christmas is a holiday that many families celebrate with specific traditions. Some people open their gifts at a certain time, or attend a certain religious ceremony. Some people incorporate Christmas carols while others focus on food or decorations.
One of the easiest ways to identify our own traditions is to look at those that other families have.
In Jasmine Dass’s family, for instance, they do not decorate the house with a Christmas tree or traditional ornaments. Instead, they have collected Christmas mugs and souvenirs throughout the years and they have those on display.
A traditional feast for her family meal might include roast chicken, toffee, pumpkin pie and an assortment of other traditional favorites.
When it comes to presents, most of the time, the Dass family waits until the clock strikes midnight on Christmas Eve to open them, although sometimes they wait until later on Christmas morning.
Dass likes to watch specific movies during the holidays, especially How Grinch Stole Christmas and The Nightmare before Christmas. While watching these movies, she likes to sit back and relax with a nice hot cocoa.
While Dass and her family generally gather together to celebrate, due to COVID, they aren’t going to have a family gathering this year. In the past, and most likely in the future, they all gather and head up to Reno, Nevada. This is where they do things such as open presents, go out to see the lights, and listen to Christmas music together. She said that she likes all types of Christmas music, but her all-time favorite is Let It Snow by Dean Martin.