If it doesn’t fit, just regift!
National Regifting Day – December 17
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay
Want to get rid of a mismatched gift? Today’s the day!
Christmas is coming and you are almost out of time for shopping. Have no fear! December 17 is National Regifting Day.
This is a day meant to acknowledge people who receive and usually re-gift a present they don’t want. Usually presents regifted are received from office parties, but they might also come from a relative who doesn’t really understand you, an acquaintance who felt obligated to reciprocate, or a gift exchange event, like a White Elephant game.
National Regifting Day was originally established to acknowledge the office parties and the unique Christmas gift exchanges that they do. Since this day isn’t really appropriate, you may have to be a little deceitful as it wouldn’t be right if the person you’re giving the gift to finds out it’s a regift. Maybe it is a little odd that such an inappropriate action is celebrated and made into its own day, but aren’t you grateful?
According to www.NationalCalendarDay.com, National Regifting Day was established by Colorado governor, Bill Ritter, Jr, in 2008. It’s obvious that the best way to celebrate is by resifting, just be careful not to give the gift to the person who originally gave it to you, or to someone who might remember where you originally got it. Enjoy the day and take a look back at the gifts you don’t like and don’t feel like keeping. Oh, and don’t be offended if one of your old gifts comes back to you on this day.