Ring it up!

At Work – Walmart cashier

Ariel's job has provided lots of knowledge.

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Ariel’s job has provided lots of knowledge.

The holiday season is considered the shopping season, so working as a cashier at Walmart is definitely a great way to earn money for presents, but Ariel Williams has been doing that job for months.

“Walmart is my first real job besides babysitting small children,” she said. “My experience at Walmart is that my co-workers are really kind, nice and thoughtful.”

“Because of COVID-19, I thought that working at Walmart would be rough during these rough times because everywhere was closing, but I knew Walmart would be open so I decided to apply. Within hours I got a call to come in and interview and was hired on the spot.”

“The customers can be a handful,” Williams said, “but there is never a dull moment at my job.”

Williams makes $13 an hour and works up to 46 hours every two week. During the summer, however, she was working up to 56 hours every two weeks.

“I do enjoy my job,” she said. “It is really giving me a lot of opportunity to have work experience in a lot of different departments, like hardware and cosmetics, as well as developing financial intelligence. For example, I already have my 401k set up and I’m really proud of that.”

This has been a positive experience for Williams. “I would recommend [Walmart] as a job there, especially to get work experience,” she said.