A message from Volleyball Coach Patel
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Volleyball questions answered by Coach Patel.
I wanted to address some of the questions coming up and update all of you. I have been getting many emails for interest in playing volleyball this year.
Unfortunately I am not aware of boys volleyball occurring this year. If I hear differently we will send out another email as soon as we hear.
For the girls, I stress you must get athletically cleared in order to even begin conditioning. If you have not uploaded your forms then please do so.
If you have completed all of the forms and uploaded, please be patient as Coach Wilson is working on them. She needs to clear everyone. Once you are cleared , you will be placed on the cleared list and then we will place you in a group to begin conditioning. As we get our second coach, we will be able to create more groups.
Please be patient and everyone will get a chance to participate at minimum in the tryouts for the Varsity and JV teams. While waiting, I would strongly encourage you to condition on your own to workout that Thanksgiving dinner!!!
Looking forward to meeting all of you!!!
Best of luck ladies!!