Slavery still exists, but you can fight it.

The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery – December 2

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Stay safe, stay protected, and help others do the same.

In 1865, America put an end to slavery, but slavery is still happening globally.

Many people are put to different types of labor as slaves in today’s modern world, but, there’s one day that supports this act of selfishness.

The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, December 2, draws attention to the ongoing existence of slavery. Human trafficking is one of the common ways that people are lured into slavery, often leading to various forms of forced experiences: labor, especially child labor, and others.

Sometimes, the people who are thrown into slavery have disabilities or illness, or they are duped into agreeing to things that are illegal or dangerous. Some people lured into slavery are indigenous people and tribal minorities who are manipulated. There are many organizations that attempt to shed light on human trafficking through newspaper articles, posts, presentations and more. Activists and political leaders support this by encouraging people to end modern slavery.

During International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, you can participate by not buying products that are made by companies who use forced or underpaid labor. You can also organize a fundraiser and donate the proceeds to an anti-trafficking organization like one of these:

From an educational standpoint, reading about those who have survived modern slavery or watching a related documentary. One example would be read here: .

While the United States claimed to have ended slavery in 1865, it continues today. On December 2, be a part of history and help those in slavery.