Traveling for Thanksgiving? Pack right!

Fashion review – Holiday Trips

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

The right combination of clothes makes the trip more fun!

Imagine taking time off to spend with yourself, taking a weekend off or going somewhere for Thanksgiving week where you can treat yourself and just relax.

Perhaps your family is going to Reno, Nevada for the holidays. While important decisions like transportation and housing are important, one thing that is at least important is what to wear.

During November and December, it is generally cold in Nevada. You might want to pack a jacket, pants, long sleeve shirts, and maybe some boots, gloves, a scarf, and a hat. Along the way you might want to visit the snow and you want to be prepared. Besides that, it’s just going to be cold, and you’re going to want to stay warm.

It’s also okay to pack a casual outfit like some jeans, plain t-shirt, some tennis shoes and perhaps a sweater, especially if you are going to stay inside with your family or friends.

A similar wardrobe might be suitable for a local ski trip, but if you and your family are planning a warmer destination, be prepared for occasional rain or chilly nights. Remember to pack not just for the outside activities, but for the inside meals and fun. Also, don’t forget to throw in your pajamas and toiletries. Being prepared will make your next vacation more enjoyable.