Donations are more than money
Volunteer – Solano Food Bank

Alana donates her time, you can, too. See the link below for details.
For the past three months, Alana Dalaza has been volunteering at the Food Bank. She is responsible for taking the food that is donated and putting it in bags and boxes so that it is ready to just hand out. The need for food donations has increased over the last several months and the Food Bank has stepped up to meet the challenge. This means that there are more opportunities for Dalaza to contribute to their success.
“I volunteer there once or twice a week,” said Dalaza. “It all depends on how busy I am.” Those interested in joining her and the other volunteers, can get more information at
Giving back to people has always been a good thing to do, something her mom has always taught her, and it’s the reason why she’s volunteering. “I also distribute food to the elderly in my great grandma’s neighborhood,” she said
Dalaza recommends others go out and volunteer if they can. “When you are giving back to the community, it makes you feel good about yourself, knowing you are helping other people.”
In addition to volunteering, Dalaza keeps herself occupied with school and preparing for college.