Celebrate by doing more of the same

Stay Home because You’re Well Day – November 30

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Before it was just because, now we have a just cause.

Since at least 2016, November 30 has been identified as Stay Home because You’re Well Day. This holiday was created by a couple, Thomas and Ruth Roy, who wanted to encourage people to use one of their sick days to cater to their mental health. It could be a day to stay home and read, cook, enjoy a movie marathon or sleep. More ideas can be found here: https://rb.gy/z45bdx.

This year, however, it is a little different. With COVID-19, the media has been encouraging people to stay home to stay well. Staying home now is not unusual, whether it be from work or school.

Some of the most common reasons people call in sick from work or school are flu, back pain, stress, elective surgery, migraine or the common cold, but few of these require proof. With Distance Learning, some of these may be legitimate excuses, but it may be easier to stay home, stay connected and then jump into the relaxation mode.

Whether you choose to celebrate Stay Home because You’re Well Day or not, try to make it a day of productivity rather than laziness. You’ve just come back from one vacation and the next one is just a few weeks away.