These careers come in many shapes

Global Entrepreneurship Week – November 16 – 22

Image by Daniela Carvalho Dani from Pixabay

Learn about Entrepreneurship and move ahead.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is a celebration of entrepreneurship, “intended to reinforce existing businesses by fostering new networking connections and inspiring new business owners by introducing prospective entrepreneurs to the resources in their cities,” according to Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is celebrated from Monday, November 16, to Sunday, November 22.

You can celebrate GEW by attending events and conferences and this year many of those events are scheduled to be held virtually. Global Gen Z Entrepreneur Live Panel Discussion, for example, will be held virtually on November 20, and you can find out more about it at

An entrepreneur is a person who, according to, “organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” What an Entrepreneur does is they “create a business plan, hire labor, acquire resources and financing, and provide leadership and management for their business,” as described by

If this sounds like a career that interests you, you’ll want to know more. You can learn about entrepreneurship by choosing it as a major at a school known for its program, such as Babson College in Massachusetts. You might also consider a major in Computer Science, Communication, Marketing, Finance, or Business, but not all entrepreneurs have been to college, only 67% of Entrepreneurs have attended college while the rest have started with nothing and worked their way up alone. Want to know more about becoming an entrepreneur? Visit