Coach Mosley adapts to changing landscape

Coach Feature – Varsity Football Coach


Last year’s Teacher of the Year, Don Mosley, is this year’s Varsity football coach.

Coach Don Mosley has been at Armijo for six years and started coaching in 2015. He said that he became a coach because he wanted to mentor, but this year has been different than in years past.

First, Coach Mosley is serving as the head coach for the Varsity football team, the Armijo Royals. “We had virtual team meetings where we would install the playbook based on Offense, Defense, and Special Teams,” he said. “Then we would meet as position groups to review position alignment and assignment based on the install.”

The season has been postponed, but has not been cancelled, so conditioning started later and try-outs are scheduled for December.

After the pandemic, if Coach Mosley had the power to change something about Armijo, he said, “I would change the sports facilities because I believe that Armijo has great athletes playing different sports, but our facilities here are outdated and don’t properly support athletic development.” And he would encourage others to consider coaching. He would tell potential coaches to “find their niche and learn as much as you can about it. Also, learn from mistakes and losses.”

When Coach Mosley is not inspiring young football players, he spends his campus time as a Special Education teacher and case manager. That involves teaching directed study classes and TPP. In his free time he likes to shop online and cook.