What do role models throughout history have in common?

Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash

Role models seem to have similarities, such as Spiderman who has been around for multiple generations. Read more to know how the meaning of a role model has changed throughout history.

Throughout history, role models have been sought out by the general public. Although each person is an individual, as members of society we rely on others to inspire and motivate each other. While most people consider modern heroes as their role models, historic figures like Michelangelo, Albert Einstein, and William Shakespeare are still some of the most popular role models even today, admired for their success in arts, science and literature.
Role models don’t even have to be real people. More recently, iconic characters like Hermione Granger, Spiderman, or Princess Tiana have inspired recent generations. When we see characters portray strong leads on-screen, it teaches us to want to become someone like them.
One thing these people all have in common is that they’re shut down from those around them, but learn to rise above and prove themselves to the world. Fictional characters may only be known on the big screen, but they’re relatable quirks and powerful actions influence us all.
In the music aspect, we have many role models. Recent artists like BTS, Taylor Swift, and Ariana Grande have many admirers due to their talents, the messages in their music, and the love they share with their fans. Korean group BTS, for instance, use their work to uplift others and speak out a positive message. Even though pop groups are considered good role models, some people look back historically to classical music creators, like Beethoven and Bach, or even stars from earlier generations, like Frank Sinatra or Michael Jackson.
“Over the years, role models have changed. There are a lot of athletes who children try to imitate,” said Ziair McElvaine. While the individuals have changed, they are not completely different. “Role models have character traits that are different from average human being: demonstrating confidence and leadership, not being afraid to be unique, and communicating and interacting with a lot of everyone respectfully.”