We can all learn from their traditions

Native American Heritage Month – November

Image by dlewisnash from Pixabay

Honoring a culture means learning about it.

November is Native American Heritage Month. During this month, we can celebrate the rich histories, and diverse cultures of the Native American culture.  It was first declared by President George W. Bush in 1990.

This month is a time to honor Native Americans who have made valuable contributions to our society. Sherman Alexie is one of these contributors. The often humorous Sherman wrote poems about the American Indian Life and is well-known for his book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Another contributor is Adam Beach, a famous Native American actor known for his role as Blackhawk in Hostiles in 2017. Beach is a Saulteaux Indian which is part of the Ojibwa Nation.

We can also celebrate this month by learning new things about Native American, like learning the names of some of the different tribes that represent the culture, including Cherokee, Cheyenne, Apache; and many more. Each of these tribes has its own traditions and learning about those traditions helps us understand the culture even more. Some tribes practiced the use of sacred herbs such as tobacco, sweetgrass and sage. Some show their faith by singing in prayer in the ancient languages of their people.

Whether it’s learning about their medicines and healing practices or studying their traditions with respect, let’s honor our nation’s first people and special commitments to Native Americans.