Top careers start with STEM / STEAM

National STEM/STEAM Day – November 8

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

You never know until you try, so try!

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.

Both STEM and STEAM are representative terms highlighting some of the fastest growing and in-demand fields in the world today and there is a day just to honor these two concepts: National STEM/STEAM Day, November 8, was founded by MGA Entertainment in 2015 to inspire students of all ages to pursue education and careers in these fields.

According to The Learning Council, students interested in participating in this day in an assortment of ways.

  1. Show off what they know through project-based learning.
  2. Turn everyday occurrences into learning opportunities.
  3. Engage their interests.
  4. Artists – “give me an A!”The value of creativity is essential to every scientist and programmer out there.
  5. Mix it up and try new things with a focus on different aspects of STEAM.

Switch up your routine to make STEAM Day feel special,” the website suggests. This is one day that students, teachers and parents can unite for training for the future.