Cartwheeling through the challenges

At Work feature

Life is fun when you can teach young tumblers.

Kaitlyn Edejer may only be 15, but she has already found a way to make her passion for gymnastics pay. Edejer has been practicing the sport for about seven years, but now works as a part-time coach, receptionist ad janitor for a gymnastics studio in Vacaville.

She started the job in late November 2019, teaching a Cheer-nastics class, which combines gymnastics and cheer for children 4 to 6 years old.

She keeps her hours to a minimum during the cheer season so she can cheer for Armijo and she has learned a lot in the position. “Luckily I got the opportunity to have a first job that teaches me and challenges me in so many different ways!” said Edejer. “Not only do I have to have patience with my students, but as a coach I learn to adjust to kids’ unique ways of learning!

“Being a coach has also helped me develop my knowledge of speaking to adults and handling situations with parents,” she said. Edejer has an overall sense of joy when she is coaching because she is creating an environment that she remembers from her own childhood.