Local family events to get into the Halloween spirit
With COVID-19 still making its presence known, there have been some doubts about whether or not people in California would be allowed to celebrate a traditional Halloween. At one point, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) briefly cancelled festivities, but later amended their position to suggest that they be handled with care.
Sacramento has adopted some restrictions and made some suggestions. Trick or treating should be done with some modifications. “Have your child select their own face covering, and then decorate it together to match their costume,” was one suggestion from abc10. They recommended that handing out candy have their distribution set up outside, perhaps in the porch or driveway, and possibly create some creative ways to be distant from the children. However it is done, frequent hand-washing is recommended and some people may actually be sharing hand-sanitizer as their “treat.”
Want to get out but not necessarily in costume? Consider going to the Cool Patch Pumpkin Patch and visit the corn maze. Or go out to Davis and take part in the Zombie Bike Parade . You could visit either of these events and still be home in time to share candy with your neighbors. More ways you can spend Halloween may include a movie night with family and friends or a reverse trick-or-treating where people drop off small gifts to neighbors, family and friends. How do you think you will be spending your Halloween?

Jayla Wixom is a staff writer for The Armijo Signal. She writes stories about things she thinks are important in our society and things she thinks that...