The world celebrates this particular observance

United Nations Day – October 24

Photo by Mat Reding on Unsplash

Most of the world’s countries work together to support the UN.

United Nations Day is an annual global observance day that takes place on October 24. That date was chosen because the United Nations officially came into existence on October 24th of 1945, although United Nations Day didn’t become a thing until 1948.

“United Nations Day highlights the enduring ideals of the Charter, which entered into force on this date 74 years ago. Amid stormy global seas, the Charter remains our shared moral anchor,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres (

This day is designed to spread awareness about the United Nations and what their initiatives are. The United Nations focuses on keeping peace amongst countries and humanitarian aid by working with organizations like the Red Cross. Common ways to celebrate are to wear the colors and national symbols of the countries that participate in the United Nations.

Make sure to do your part on October 24 and spread awareness about the United Nations and its efforts to make the world a better place.