Appreciate food prep and the preparers

International Chefs’ Day – October 20

Photo by Hemant Latawa on Unsplash

Chefs get to play with both fire and food. What a career!

Have you ever imagined what’s going on in the kitchen at your favorite restaurant? What responsibilities chefs face every day? Well, International Chefs’ Day is dedicated to these questions and learning more about what it means to be a chef. It’s a day to get creative in the kitchen and appreciate food.

International Chefs’ Day originated in 2004, and was started by chef and doctor Bill Gallagher. Gallagher was president of the WorldChefs Network, an association focused on education and sustainability in the food industry. He wanted a day to revolve around educating children of the importance of eating healthy and exposing them to culinary experiences.

Each year WorldChefs celebrate the day by holding cooking workshops. These workshops are dedicated to giving children hands-on experience with healthy foods. This year it is undetermined if the workshops will be open, however WorldChefs has offered resources and recipes to recreate the experience right at home.

This October 20, there are many ways to celebrate International Chefs’ Day, even from home. You can experiment in the kitchen and try out new recipes. Educate yourself about the different culinary occupations there are and the ones you’re interested in. You can support your favorite restaurant and order from them. Lastly, learn about the sustainable aspects there are to cooking. Want to learn more? Visit International Chef’s Day.