Straightforward, focused on the goal

Athlete focus: Cross-Country

Mishack prefers not to stay in one place for too long.

Mishack Maico is fast, and that’s one of the things that makes him a great candidate for the Cross-Country team.

Maico has been enrolled at Armijo for two years and is 16. He has been racing for about four years. He referred to Cross-Country as “one of the only sports that I could do on a competitive level.”

While many athletes are superstitious about their rituals before games or meets, that is not Maico’s style. He doesn’t worry about what socks he is wearing or how often he has travelled from one point to another. Instead, the only patterns he has for pre-meet routines is doing a warm-up and chatting with teammates. He said that he loves the family dynamic he has with the team.

The greatest advice he had for others interested in getting involved in cross-country is “to just have fun,” he said.

One thing few people know about Maico is that he used to do metal work and once made his own knife, but as everyone knows, it is not wise for him to run with that knife.