Spreading love and equality, learn about LGBTQ+ History this month

Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash

Learn something new this month about the history of LGBTQ+!

October is filled with plenty of national holidays but it’s also known for the month long celebration of LGBTQ+ history. This history month brings recognition to the LGBTQ+ community and encourages equality and love.
It was originally celebrated in 1994 when a Missouri teacher believed there should be a month to recognize and learn about LGBTQ+ history. October was specifically picked because it was during school season, giving an opportunity to teach students of this history. October is also I’m Just Me Because Month.
During this month, the Equality Forum gives recognition to one LGBTQ+ icon each day of October. October is also home of National Coming Out Day (10/11), LGBTQ+ Spirit Day (10/15), Intersex Awareness Day (10/26), and Asexual Awareness Week (10/22-28).
Not only is October LGBTQ+ History Month and I’m Just Me Because Month, but it is also the month for World Day of Bullying Prevention (10/5) and National Stop Bullying Day (10/14). Also this month, there is the International Day of Girl Child (10/11), a day to pay attention to the movement to protect women and girls in the world and have gender equality. These days and others spread positive messages to bring people together to accept themselves and others.
This October remember these significant days and take a chance to research and celebrate them.