It’s about respect and acceptance

National Curves Day – October 14

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

Embrace your curves – they make you what you are.

When you hear the word curve, what does your brain automatically think of?  Do you think of a curve in a road or curve ball in baseball? What about the curves on a human body?

There are many different curves in the world, but National Curves Day celebrates the curves on women. Unfortunately, based on how deep or slim that curve, it is viewed and treated differently in society.

National Curves Day, which is October 14, celebrates beauty in every shape, size, color and form. The goal of this special day is to end any and all discrimination against women, whether or not they fit the stereotypical beauty standard.

The impact of a national holiday like this can create major confidence boosts for women all around who struggle themselves with self-esteem issues. Ask yourself, “Why as women, do we allow ourselves to get caught up trying to fit into a world that doesn’t appreciate the natural beauty that resides in all of us?” The simplest solution to all of this madness is to accept yourself first and take a stand to not listen to the belittling and hatred. People can’t take away what you already know.

National Curves Day is a step towards revolutionizing beauty today. Those who are too afraid to stand for themselves in the past can use this day as a crutch to rise from your comfort zone and go beyond the limitations society has tried to set for you.

Take pride in your body shape, ladies! Instead of trying to please the world around you, do what makes you happy and create your own happy life. That’s what life is all about.