A day of rhyme and roses

Random Acts of Poetry Day – October 2

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Whether an original work or a tribute, a poem can make one’s day.

Random Acts of Poetry Day falls on the first Wednesday of October, which this year is October 2. October is a month full of days that focus on positive attitude and emotional wellness. Random Acts of Poetry Day could not have landed on a better month, well, excluding April, also known as National Poetry Month. Don’t get this day confused with Poetry Day that is celebrated March 21.

As quoted by Linda Wasmer in Psychology Today, “poetry writing can help reframe thoughts about a challenging or unsettling experience.” If poetry is beneficial when writing it, imagine how much more it can be when you don’t do any work and receive a random positive poem instead!

In the Random Acts of Poetry website, Kaitlyn declares she experienced a random act of poetry while at work. She received a poem titled Today and it revealed, “today is a gift, tomorrow is not promised, do something you love.” This meant a lot to Kaitlyn, especially later that day when she heard of a mass shooting. The poem reminded her to not take things for granted.

A random act of poetry could simply be a positive phrase written on a small note. It could also be a temporary message written with chalk on the sidewalk. The purpose of the holiday is to leave a poem somewhere randomly to brighten the day of a friend or stranger. This holiday is inclusive, everyone can benefit from its mental to emotional stimuli. Participating in Random Acts of Poetry Day could ease stress while also helping you improve skills. Give poetry a chance to uplift the mood of people around you.