The importance of Hispanic Heritage

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Parties and food are important, but awareness and research are also valued.

According to Pew Research, the population of Hispanics in the United States hit 59.9 million in 2018.

Hispanics are known for their heritage and a celebration of that heritage runs from September 15 through October 15. Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates Hispanic-Americans, who have helped make the country a better place.

Like most celebrations, food is an important part of the celebration. Empanadas, grilled corn, and tacos are all traditional Hispanic foods. These foods and many more are all used at Hispanic celebrations.  Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike can celebrate by highlighting these traditional food as well as enjoying traditional music throughout the month. Americans, whether they are of Hispanic heritage or not, can celebrate by researching important Lation figure and learning about them.While this is an important period of time, not everyone knows about it.

In this issue we have featured several famous Hispanic people who have contribu.ted to the culture for generations. These people are usually known for their interesting background. Dolores Huerta, for example, was a Latino American Civil Rights activist and Guillermo del Toro is a Hispanic Film director.

While only 30% of people responding to a Nielsen poll in 2013 (Poll), there are still lots of opportunities to enjoy it this year, in spite of the pandemic.