Make your most colorful creation!

National Play-Doh Day – September 16

Image by It’s not permitted to sell my photos with StockAgencies from Pixabay

Bright and squishy, there’s something about this that makes it soooo much fun!!!

If you need an excuse to rehydrate your old Play-Doh, or steal your younger sibling’s stash so you can play with it, there’s never a better day than September 16, National Play-Doh Day. Hasbro first chose this day to honor the malleable clay  to honor its 50th anniversary in 2006, although it wasn’t actually patented until 1965.

Play-Doh’s initial purpose wasn’t originally as designed to be played with, it actually started with the goal of being a wallpaper cleaner. It was created by Joseph Mcvicker and he started working with it in 1955. He then started testing the cleaner – which didn’t actually start in it’s colorful form — as a modeling clay in classrooms and daycares. After seeing that the kids enjoyed it, he decided to name it Play-Doh and went into business with his uncle under the name of the Rainbow Crafts Company, Inc..a year later.

National Play-Doh Day celebrates more than the product itself. It also celebrates creativity, happy memories, and more. It is a rather obscure holiday, with only about 1000 posts on Instagram, but you can change that.

Since its origin, the holiday has created new ways to celebrate. Participants are encouraged to share their creations on social media. In 2015 the holiday went global. You can celebrate this day this year by finding a can of Play-Doh and letting your imagination run free. Then share your creations on social media with the tag  #NationalPlayDohDay, building the day’s popularity one creation at a time.