Pass the syrup

National Pancake Day – September 26

Photo by Miguel Andrade on Unsplash

Jam? Honey? Syrup? Powdered Sugar? What makes your pancakes worthy?

Pancakes! This iconic breakfast food has its own day of celebration and rich history dating back more than 30,000 years. Pancakes have been recorded back to the Stone Age, making it one of the oldest known foods. Ancient Romans even had their own version where they combined wheat flour, olive oil, honey, and curdled milk to make what they called Alita Dolcia (National Pancake Day).

In the 15th century the well-known name was introduced, but today pancakes can be referred to as Johnny Cakes, griddle cakes, and hot cakes as well.

Important Pancake Dates –

  • 600 BC: Ancient Greek poem describes pancakes
  • 1100 AD: Pancakes become tradition to eat on Shrove Tuesday by using leftover dairy products
  • 1931- Bisquick is introduced, along with its pancake batter products
  • 1985 – Bisquick becomes the sponsor of National Pancake Week
  • 1995 – Largest pancake made measured to be 16.4 yards across and weigh three tons made in the UK

There are actually two National Pancake Days a year. The first one on the calendar is promoted by IHOP (International House of Pancakes) as a promotional deal, and that is held on February 25. The second day is held on September 26 and was originally National Lumberjack Day but later changed to National Pancake Day. Have fun with this day and celebrate this comfort food we all love. Try new recipes and enjoy with friends and family.