Better, and healthier, together

National Family Health and Fitness Day – September 26

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Get outside together; get moving together;, get closer with your family.

National Family Health and Fitness Day, which is celebrated on September 26, is meant to encourage families to participate in physical activities together, and eating health meals to promote good health.

It was created in 1996 by the Health Information Research Center. According to the National Day Calendar, working out with the family is better than working out alone. “When families strive to be healthy together, the success rate increases. Incorporating exercise and a healthy diet into a family’s lifestyle takes a team effort. It’s kind of like celebrations. Who celebrates alone?”

Including the family in health and fitness activities not only helps everyone’s health, it can also help to strengthen relationships between family members. With gyms and restaurants slowly reopening, it is sometimes necessary to be creative with family health activities. Going outside for a long walk or a hike, or choosing to make a healthy dinner at home instead of eating takeout can be small steps that make National Family Health and Fitness Day a beginning of a trend rather than a one-and-done celebration. Some tips for the long run would be to enjoying smaller portion sizes, drinking water, and being active together, even if it’s just stretching.