A is for Apple
International Eat an Apple Day – September 19
Have you ever wondered if an apple a day really keeps the doctor away? There is an International Eat an Apple Day, celebrated this year on September 19, the third Saturday of September. It is a day encouraging people to eat apples, and maybe by doing so, keep the doctor away.
“International Eat an Apple Day has its roots in thousands of cultural celebrations and mythologies around the world, honoring this universal fruit. “ Eat an Apple Day One of the most popular tales with an apple is that of Eve and the serpent. The Famous Story
Apples have a long history. The first apple came from a tree that originated in Central Asia. Apples have then been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe and were soon brought to North America by European colonists. Throughout the world, many different varieties of apples were grown. There are 7,500 varieties of apples and 2,500 are grown in the United States. Something this familiar must have some benefits, but maybe you don’t like apples.
Did you know just by eating an apple on International Eat an Apple Day will not only honor this fruit but also provide a good source of soluble fiber and help to reduce cholesterol levels? Just buying apples or going apple picking can help you celebrate this day. If you aren’t a fan of eating a regular apple, there are many different alternatives. You can add toppings onto your apple, drink apple juice or apple cider, eat apple pie, apple dumplings, applesauce, apple donuts, caramel apple pops…the list is nearly endless.
Apples have a special place in our world. What’s the first fruit you think of? What is A in the alphabet? What do you think of in New York? What brand created iPhones? What do teachers like using as an example of a fruit? Also did you know giving a teacher an apple is still a kind way to show a teacher your appreciation, although with COVID still going on, I do not recommend doing this at this time.
What do you plan on eating on International Eat an Apple Day?

Chloe Villagracia attends Armijo High School, where she currently works as a staff writer for the news website known as “The Armijo Signal”. Although...