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International Coastal Creek Clean-Up Day and National Clean-Up – September 19

Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash

Trash doesn’t belong on the beaches.

On September 19, people from all parts of the world will try to rid beaches of garbage for International Coastal Creek Clean-Up Day. Trash that ends up in the ocean can start from our nearby creeks.

This is where thousands of common types of garbage found on the beaches gather, such as cigarette butts, food wrappers, plastic straws, plastic bottle caps, and plastic beverage bottles. Much of that trash travels through little creeks in neighborhoods then into the ocean. Scientists believe there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean and are predicting that, by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. This proves the importance of preventing this by cleaning our communities.

Although the third Saturday of September is the International Coastal Creek Cleanup Day as well as National Clean-Up Day, to encourage volunteers to clean more, the entire month of September was deemed International Coastal Creek Cleanup Month. There are many ways for people to volunteer for International Coastal Creek Cleanup Day.  Many families and housemates clean their street, park, local shoreline, and anywhere else that they call their happy place.

Want to volunteer for this special day and contribute to make our planet a cleaner home? You can participate with others from all over the world in cleaning around your neighborhood. Register and find out more with this link!