Parents and family are important for many reasons

National Working Parents Day AND National Step-Family Day – September 16

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Time together helps build relationships in families.

Both National Working Parents Day and National Step-Family Day are on September 16, and both remind us of the challenges and sacrifices of the adults that keep families running.

National Working Parents Day was developed to raise appreciation for those who take up jobs, often more than one, to take care of the family and make sure that children have everything they need. Ways to honor these hardworking parents can include doing chores without asking, making dinner for them, and just letting them know you appreciate everything they do. They earn these rewards because, throughout the year, they do their best to put food on the table, provide school supplies, and even buy special unnecessary items. During this pandemic, working parents are often risking their health to make sure they can keep their children happy, and those who have lost jobs due to COVID are trying their hardest. Before the pandemic, it was a challenge, but now they have had to balance homeschooling, work, odd jobs, and entertainment for their family.

National Step-Family Day also honors parents, but not necessarily those who started the challenge of raising children. It also honors siblings who have managed to fit into their blended family. Adjusting to a step-family can be a challenge and it takes time to make those adjustments. Here are some tips to help adapt:

  • If your step-parent is making you feel uncomfortable or saying very rude and out of pocket things about you or your other biological parent, be willing to share that with your biological parent. You’re not sensitive if it bothers you because they have no business speaking about your other parents and it will not be addressed if it is done in secret.
  • Try bonding with your step-parents and step-siblings at your own pace. Let them know when you need space. Use your words either in text messages or in person or over the phone. Remember, nobody wants to be in conflict but everyone involved is going through changes.

National Step-Family Day is a good day to make an extra attempt to established stronger bonds with step-family members, especially if your step-parents are sacrificing their time as working parents. Clearly, on September 16, they deserve to be honored on both fronts.