Former freshman adapts to sports, shelter-in-place

Athlete focus – Volleyball

Gabby loves the sport and misses it much more than school.

COVID-19 has had an impact on the sports schedule and athletes like Gabby LeMelle have been challenged at every step

Last year, LeMelle was a freshman, playing on the Varsity Girls’ Volleyball team under Coach Paige McConlough, but this year everything has changed. The season has been pushed to December, because of the pandemic, and a new coach is being sought to lead the girls. Despite the challenges, LeMelle said that she actually accepts the Distance Learning requirements because they are less stressful than being in class, even though she can’t be on the courts right now. “Honestly, I didn’t have many friends [on campus] so I don’t miss being social, but I do miss playing volleyball,” she said.

LeMelle has been playing volleyball since she was in the 6th grade. She said that she has played almost every sport in the past but right now she’s only playing volleyball. There have been a few opportunities to practice, but not many.

Before the pandemic impacted the season, she was looking forward to more time on the court. “This season I was excited to be more into the game because I would be a little bit older,” she said. “Hopefully we can go back to normal this school year, but I know that most likely will not happen.” If students don’t return in October or January, there is a possibility that sports will be put on hold for the entire year.

When she does not have to deal with sheltering in place, LeMelle likes to play volleyball and travel, but while she waits for all of the restrictions to life, she spends her time listening to music. “Music is like medicine,” she said. She also enjoys eating. “My favorite food is rice. I love rice and I can eat it with anything.”