A toast to French Club!

Club focus

Photo by Dorian Hurst on Unsplash

French Club celebrates everything French.

Armijo’s French Club has been together for over six years. The club welcomes anyone with an interest in France, the French culture or the French language. In the weekly meetings, members can watch French movies, listen to French music and sing karaoke, plays games, and organize fundraisers. Madame Mandana Radmanesh, or Madame R, the French teacher, is the club advisor. The club president is in charge of initiating club activities as well as making sure everything is running smoothly and on time. Meetings have been every Wednesday during lunch in A-9, however, due to Distance Learning, meetings will most likely be during asynchronous learning after lunch on the same day.

Because of Shelter in Place, the club’s meetings had been postponed at the end of last year. However, now that school is starting back up with online learning, there is more time to figure out new formats for club activities and fundraisers. The Valentine’s Day Rose Sale and Christmas Gift Package fundraisers from last year were very successful and a chance for members to show off their entrepreneurship and talents. From beginning to end, they were memorable experiences. Madame R said, “The artistic ones make beautiful flyers, the business-oriented keep track of profit and money, the sociable ones would advertise, the leaders would keep them on track, ….It’s a real experience on something that mimics collaboration at work.”

The prohibition of sharing cuisine in school, due to the district’s rules, may be downplayed by Distance Learning. The inability to try out making (and tasting!) holiday desserts such as crepes, Buche de Noel, and other French specialties had been a letdown on the school’s part, but now is the perfect opportunity for change!

“I enjoy having the students in my class,” Madame R said. “It’s a safe place for them to do activities that connect them to French culture while they’re with their friends. It’s a joy watching them get excited and motivated by projects and see their friendships and connections expanded.”

If you have any interest in joining French Club, you can email her at: [email protected].