Show your creativity, celebrate the day

National Live Creative Day – September 14

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

This is a day to live and shine!

To “live creative” is an extension of selfless forms of expressions of one’s true self. It requires accepting the flaws and flaunts and jumping out the window with that solemn fact of liberation constantly circulating throughout the mind. To live creative means taking the chances to constantly live outside of the margin rather than inside, like fear-filled individuals. The most underrated thought of the modern day is the wide variety of forms of expression. What does it mean to live creative? Could this possibly be something worth branding a whole day for?

National Live Creative Day is celebrated on September 14. Living creative not only takes the physical form but a mental point of view. Anybody, male or female, disregarding the differences in ethical backgrounds, sexual and gender preferences, even economic class can participate in the open arms of a carefree holiday that doesn’t discriminate. Whether it be the younger crowd or those a little bit on the older side, creativity stays forever. Who’s to say we can’t ride the waves of creativity for as long as we please?

To really take creativity farther than ever before, people need to live fearlessly. Many platforms of creativity showcase and most of the time speak for the person itself. It could be as simple as dancing, styling hair, knitting, or anything that involves creating something, something that can be seen or felt. The many aspects behind creativity is what’s most joyful about it. It takes the smallest things that matter most and turns them into something special.