Locally and nationally, there is help

National Food Bank Day – September 4

Food Banks are helpful and in great demand during the pandemic when money for food might be limited for some people. Food Banks, sometimes called Food Pantries, are run with the help of donations of food and volunteers who help package the items and give them away to those in need. They get their food through many sources and donations, both nationally and locally. “Food banking has broad and instinctive appeal. … It feeds people while reducing waste. It empowers through school feeding programs, job training and skills development, and nutrition education,” according to FoodInsight.Org.

September 4 is National Food Banks Day, a day set aside to recognize those who need the services as well as those who help make them successful. Food Banks can be run by any number of organizations and they get their food from many sources, nationally and locally.

Food Banks usually ask visitors for a voucher card in order to get food and things that are needed, and it is not just food. Many also provide school supplies and clothes as well. Because the items are donated, Food Banks are not allowed to charge their customers.

Armijo has its own Food Pantry, as does Fairfield’s Police Activities League (PAL) Center at 2195 Union Ave. Many local churches also offer food assistance. For families throughout the community, there is a Food Bank at 2339 Courage Drive in Fairfield, and it has many good reviews.