Beyond the books

The story of National Read a Book Day – September 6

Photo by Laura Kapfer on Unsplash

Books can take you on a journey – start September 6.

National Read a Book Day takes place on September 6. It’s a day dedicated to reading and books. It celebrates reading and encourages folks to unplug and read.

This special day would not be possible without the invention of the Gutenberg printing press in the 1400’s. In 2010, a librarian promoted the first National Read a Book Day to encourage reading.

According to Ms. Denise Monegato, Armijo’s librarian, “Schools, Libraries, and Publishers tend to promote these days as much as possible. World Book Day in April is another huge “bookish” holiday that tends to attract a lot of global attention.”

All ages, young and old, are encouraged to read, even sharing books across generations!

National Read a Book Day isn’t just reading hardcovers or paperbacks. It can include audiobooks and digital books as well. This day can be great fun. You can grab a snack while reading, read to little kids, host a reading party, and so much more!

National Read a Book Day is more than just getting a book and having it in your hands. It is a chance to remind us of how books bring so much to our lives. They can be an escape from the everyday world, they can teach us, and they can bring people together by sharing emotions or just getting a better understanding of events, times and places in long ago history.

Ms. Monegato had some suggestions for people who might want to celebrate National Read a Book Day and extend it beyond September 6:

  • Joining/hosting a book club meeting
  • Sharing books with friends and encouraging others to read
  • Raising awareness about books and literacy
  • Libraries and schools can engage in a “Read Out” or a Drop Everything and Read

Remember, science fiction books spark the imagination and maybe one day become reality, fantasies can take you to worlds you’ve never imagined and historical fiction can help you travel in time. Reading is a great way to spend time. Beyond the actual books, reading opens the mind and life to new possibilities. So, find a hook and reel in a good book!